Commercial Auto Insurance

Employees Driving Business Errands

Employees Driving Business Errands

Have you ever sent an employee out to pick up needed supplies? Offered to buy lunch for the crew and asked an employee to pick it up? Unless you only send employees who are insured to drive your company vehicles, you may be putting your business at risk. Your business may also incur liability if […]

Ensure Safe Driving on Rain-Soaked Roads

Ensure Safe Driving on Rain-Soaked Roads

Your truck driver can control many things. They can control their steering and where they stop for the night. But, one thing that is out of their hands is the weather. Rain, sleet, hail and wind will all present themselves on different days to make their job more hazardous. The most common bad weather condition […]

Hire and non-owned auto insurance

Hire and non-owned auto insurance

Many companies use vehicles that they do not own in their daily operations. This includes vehicles that are rented (“hired”) as well as vehicles that belong to employees (“non-owned”). The long use of these vehicles can be dangerous for many business owners that don’t realize that they are putting their business assets at risk.  Let’s jump into detail of what is Hired & Non-Owned Auto insurance and its importance:  Hired and non-owned auto insurance, also known as HNOA, covers commercial liability expenses that are triggered by […]

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