Contractors Insurance

Exposure from Subcontractors’ Employees

Exposure from Subcontractors’ Employees

As a business owner, you could be held liable for the actions of other peoples’ employees. U.S. employment law has long recognized that workers may have an employment relationship with multiple entities at the same time. That means your company could get stung with OSHA fines, Title VII discrimination claims and other actions that arise […]

Unbonded Subcontractors

Unbonded Subcontractors

You should never hire an unbonded subcontractor on a construction project, unless you want to put your organization at significant financial risk. If the contractor you hired fails to perform their work as specified in the contract, without a performance bond you have no means of recovery from the company. Also, if the subcontractor fails […]

Silica Exposure in Construction

Silica Exposure in Construction

There are a number of construction segments that are exposed to crystalline silica, which can cause silicosis and even death. Workers who typically have the largest exposure to silica include those in: Cement and concrete or stucco operations, Abrasive blasting, Jack hammering, Rock and well drilling, Brick and block cutting, and Tunneling operations. What are […]

Protect Your Tools, Equipment Against Theft

Protect Your Tools, Equipment Against Theft

One of the biggest headaches for contractors is equipment and tool theft, as thieves regularly raid worksites after hours or steal tools from parked vehicles. They can make away with tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment, and in serious cases it can result in project delays and workers unable to do their jobs. […]

Nine Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress

Nine Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress

Work-related stress claims cost U.S. companies $200 billion to $300 billion a year, according to the American Institute of Stress. Stress can result in a number of secondary mental and physical illnesses and direct physical injuries, which directly affects health care costs, worker productivity — and can even result in workers’ compensation claims. In fact, […]

Take Advantage of Safer Construction Devices

Take Advantage of Safer Construction Devices

Advancements are making construction workplaces safer thanks to innovative new designs that learn from the past and the weaknesses of equipment that has been used in construction for decades. Construction firms that don’t keep up with the latest in safety devices are missing an opportunity to save lives, reduce workplace injuries and avoid costly workers’ […]

Multi-Employer Construction Projects

Multi-Employer Construction Projects

Large construction projects involving multiple contractors are ripe for claims and if your company is involved in such an enterprise, one of your top priorities needs to be risk mitigation. With the specter of property damage, material losses and workplace injuries looming large, especially when there is more than one employer on a site, it […]

Careful Handling of Construction Materials

Careful Handling of Construction Materials

Material handling accidents account for thousands of injuries and a number of deaths each year on construction sites. They are one of the top injuries in the construction trade and can result in serious injuries and death depending on the material, the weight of the load, and the distance it falls. These injuries lead to […]

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